Indian Visa Apply From BangladeshApplication form for Bangladeshi nationals, two photographs as per specification (please specify the route, port of entry) A copy of employers letter OR chartered accountant's certificate OR unemployment allowance letter / disability allowance letter / benefit letter, AND a copy of the past three months' bank statement.
Time required to issue visa:
Processing times vary from application to application at the sole discretion of the High Commission of India and its Consulates, and some applications may take longer than others to get processed.

What is the cost of a visa: Ask your local Embassy or High Commission Get the latest rate of visa fee.
How long is the visa valid for: Tourist: 6 months to over 1 year from date of issue; Business: up to 2 years; Transit: normally 15 days, valid for 3 months from date of issue; Long-term: up to 5 years, although individual visits are not expected to exceed 6 months.


World and Visa Info