DV Lottery Mistake mostly In Bangladesh & All over the world:
Bangladesh is one of the biggest DV OR Green card Lottery winner country.and most of the people are non-educated so they have a big lack of knowledge.Some of service providing they use for apply this DV.But they have no knowledge about printout of a copy of apply confirmation. So later they have to face a big problem..This situation is not only in Bangladesh.Mostly all country which country have the eligibility of apply for American DV lottery or Green Card Lottery Program.They all can be do this mistake.

DV Lottery 2009, when you have submitted your’s duly filled entry form, you will get the official confirmation in the browser. This is not a certificate or something like that but it confirms that your submission is accepted. In that confirmation you will see the main details as your First, Last and Middle names, your country of eligibility and your date of birth, specially that The US Official web site will calculate and display the day of your birth which you will be surprised to see as you didn't submitted it.

You can save the page in your computer, but it won't be as in the browser if you looked it after you saved it. You can make a print out of it, if you have a printer connected to your computer.