One of the most common ways to obtain a green card is through marriage to a US citizen. This is sometimes referred to as a green card marriage.
Now before continuing, it�s important to recognize that you can also obtain a green card through marriage to a Lawful Permanent Resident, that is, someone holding a green card. But right now we�re talking about obtaining a green card through marriage to a US citizen � we�ll be talking about obtaining green cards by marriage to a LAWFUL PERMANENT RESIDENT.
A Green Card Marriage is one in which an alien marries a US citizen and thereby becomes eligible to obtain lawful permanent residence in the U.S., that is, a green card. This is completely legal and is provided for by Congress.
So long as you get married for traditional reasons such as love and affection, it�s perfectly OK that your �green card marriage� results in an immigration benefit to you. The only time this poses a problem is where someone enters into a fake marriage or �sham marriage� that is designed solely for the purpose of getting an immigration benefit If you fall in love, get married, and now want to apply for a green card, that�s great. Congress welcomes you and your legitimate �green card marriage� based on your love and affection for one another. The green card marriage�when not a sham�is a wonderful thing.![](
Yup..TN Visa to Adjustment of Status (I-485) is the quickest route to obtaining your Green Card Marriage. If your situation enables you to file for the Adjustment of Status to obtain your Green card, this will be most ideal based on time, no employment interruption and not having to leave the U.S.